Locating, Collecting, Recycling& Développement

We have contacted a number of underwater diving clubs in the area where we will be operating, between Agde and the Golden Islands (Porquerolles & Port Cros), to create a ghost net alert network with them.

These clubs have welcomed our initiative with enthusiasm and will relay the information in case of detection of nets or other plastics in order to launch recovery operations.

Diving clubs will be our first alert network to report the presence of plastics or ghost nets on our coasts. My Lady Blue will intervene according to the different situations on the beach and at sea with our boat.

The collection of plastic is and will be a recurring task. Many associations are already doing this work but unfortunately we have enough to do.

Mixed operations (rivers, sea & beach) and before/after operations will be carried out regularly with our assiduous volunteers. We will publish each operation and its results.

Our project wants to go to the end of its logic. We will recycle the plastic we collect ourselves! We are investing in our own recycling system which will be hosted by my company in Montpellier thanks to the plans published by Dave Hakkens, the designer of Precious Plastic, thanks to whom we hope to have our own recycling structure at home as soon as possible.


The BC-4000

The sea kayak made exclusively from recycled plastic

The BC 4000 will allow for autonomous diving. It will offer a wide ascent range capable of supporting up to the weight of a second diver. Its lateral stability performance will allow it to cope with all situations and load cases, in various sea states. It will be self-built by "My Lady Blue" from the direct recycling of recovered plastic materials, melted into plates. The simplicity of its design and assembly will facilitate its implementation as well as its use. The BC 4000 will be compartmentalised so as to be unsinkable. The various uses will be specified at the same time as the shape during the next design phases on the basis of a precise audit of the users and their needs.

Concept design by Nico

Work in progress